Today is Halloween - one of my most favorite of holidays. However, my small midwestern town will not be having trick or treating today because it’s... rainy.
61 degrees and rainy.
Not typhoon-type rainy. Not a little thing that we like to call Thundersleet. Not even bolts of lightning. We have what could best be called a case of the drizzles. And the high winds that our police chief was concerned about? Well, my house is five blocks from Lake Michigan and the trees outside are barely moving.
Talk about your nanny-state. Jeesh.
I am a child of the 70s. My parents kicked me out of the house as soon as it was trick or treating time -- snowsuit stuffed under the costume they bought for under $5 at Ben Franklin’s and a mask I couldn’t see out of, pillowcase in hand. I traveled from house to house in my neighborhood and beyond and didn’t return until (a) 10 o’clock or (b) the pillowcase got too heavy to carry. Oh, and I ate homemade popcorn balls and candied apples without first checking them for razor blades. It’s hard to believe, but I’m still alive.
As a kid, I went trick or treating in snow, rain, blizzard, and occasionally (although it didn’t happen often) halfway decent weather. I mean, it’s candy and people are just giving. it. away. For FREE! I didn’t care if it was thundersleeting with temperatures hovering around 33 degrees and I was being chased by zombies - I was going outside and not coming home for HOURS. And nothing horrible or tragic happened beyond a belly ache and some wet clothes.
I have taken my kids trick or treating in similar kinds of weather. When I lived in Minnesota, they had two costumes - the one to wear to school, and the one made out of polar fleece to wear Halloween night. And, holy crap! They’re still alive too.
I mean, honestly. It’s raining. Barely. And they canceled trick or treating because the powers that be think the weather might be better tomorrow. For crying out loud people... we live in MICHIGAN. Where it can be 75 degrees one minute and a blizzard the next. You can’t predict this stuff.
To make things even more confusing (and worse, to be honest) our city postponed the trick or treating, but the outlying townships (that are less than a handful of miles from my house in the center of the city) still have it goin’ on... and the farm town 8 miles east is a complete go.
What are we, Ludvillians? Wimps? Sugarplums? Do we believe that we’re going to melt from a little rain?
So, here’s my message to Police Chief Burnett:
This is MY Halloween. These are MY children. And it should be MY choice weather or not (pun intended) I take my children out for the holiday. And you, sir, are whatever Halloween’s version of Scrooge is. Parents have taken time off work to take their kids trick or treating and can’t now because you felt the need to protect us all from some light precipitation. It’s ridiculous. Especially considering no one else in any of the surrounding areas felt it was necessary and it’s what a lot of people are calling a clusterf... well... you get the picture.This is embarrassing.